The Stump Ranch

Family & Community History
of the Upper Skagit Valley
Great Genealogical & Historical Links
to help you find your way

(Royal Stump Ranch 1927)

Some favorite & helpful links for genealogical and local & state history.

The place for links on all things genealogical.
Skagit River Journal
of history and folklore.
An exceptionally fun and unique website dedicated to the preservation and history of Skagit County.
Edited by Noel Bourasaw

Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Walt Crowley's

for Skagit county
The "Skagit Valley Genealogical Society"
Program for September 23; Marlus Rudeen, state librarian will talk on Territorial Census Project. Join us at 7:00 pm.
Come join the NEW! Genealogical Classes at the
"Centre for Resource & Research"
from Laura Pemberton-Sparr

With the Colors from Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan counties 1917, 1918, and 1919. Washington U.S.A.

Compiled and Published by Louis Jacobin. Copyright, 1921 from the Press of Peters Publishing Company Seattle, Washington 1921. It is a listing of the young men and women who served in World War I. Link on top for the full list of servicemen at the U.S. GenWeb Project for Skagit Co.,webmaster is Darilee, the bookstore lady in Maryville. This list also includes photos. Darilee has just done a terrific job. CLICK ON THIS LINK for men and women from towns in Skagit Co. east; would include Hamilton, Birdsview, Concrete, Rockport, Marblemount, Sauk and some Darrington. This list was transcribed and sent to us by Larry Spurling. Thank you Larry.
Upper Skagit Womens Retreat
Speaker & Itinerary for the 2003 Retreat

October 3-4, 2003
posted July 13

The Stump Ranch ®
The Stump Ranch On-Line Magazine ®
Dan Royal, Editor & Webmaster
38090 Kelly Ln. Concrete, Wa. 98237
Mission Statement
and acknowledgments
Please e-mail us to say "Hi" so we can put you on an e-mail list for up-dates, if you're a Boyd or Savage descendant, a pioneer family from the Birdsview community & Skagit Co. We want to talk to anyone who loves the area and local history. Thanks!
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